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口 kou

Home Pinyin kou

舱口 cāngkǒu hatch; hatches; hatchway

出口 chūkǒu egress; export; exportable; exported; exporting; exports; outfall

窗口 chuāngkǒu window; windowed; windowing

粗口 cūkǒu rough mouth

封口 fēngkǒu gagged

港口 gǎngkǒu harbours; port; ports

关口 guānkǒu juncture

海口 hǎikǒu haikou

汉口 hànkǒu hankou

河口 hékǒu estuaries; estuarine; estuary

虹口 hóngkǒu hongkou

户口 hùkǒu account

接口 jiēkǒu interface; interfaced; interfaces; interfacing

借口 jièkǒu excuses; pretence

进口 jìnkǒu import; imports; inlet

开口 kāikǒu opening; openings

可口 kěkǒu palatable; tasty

可口可乐 kěkǒukělè coca cola

口碑 kǒubēi word of mouth

口才 kǒucái eloquence

口吃 kǒuchī stammer; stutter; stuttering

口臭 kǒuchòu bad breath; halitosis

口袋 kǒudài pocket; pocketing; pockets

口服 kǒufú oral

口福 kǒufú mouth

口干 kǒu gān dry mouth

口感 kǒugǎn taste

口号 kǒuhào catchphrase; catchword; slogan; slogans

口红 kǒuhóng lipstick

口技 kǒujì ventriloquist

口交 kǒujiāo fellatio

口径 kǒujìng calibre

口渴 kǒukě thirst; thirstily

口粮 kǒuliáng rations

口气 kǒuqì tone

口腔 kǒuqiāng oral cavity

口琴 kǒuqín harmonica

口是心非 kǒushìxīnfēi mouth is not

口述 kǒushù dictated; dictating

口水 kǒushuǐ saliva; slavering

口头 kǒutóu orally; verbal; verbally

口头禅 kǒutóuchán mantra

口味 kǒuwèi flavours; taste

口吻 kǒuwěn muzzle

口香糖 kǒuxiāngtáng chewing gum

口音 kǒuyīn accent; accents

口语 kǒuyǔ speaking

口罩 kǒuzhào mask; masks

口子 kǒuzi mouth

两口子 liǎng kǒuzi couple

裂口 lièkǒu chasm; cleft; rip

领口 lǐngkǒu neckline

流口水 liú kǒushuǐ slobber

路口 lùkǒu intersection; junctions

满口 mǎnkǒu full mouth

冒口 màokǒu riser

门口 ménkǒu doorway

枪口 qiāngkǒu muzzle; muzzles

切口 qiēkǒu incision

亲口 qīnkǒu personally

缺口 quēkǒu gap; nick; nicked; notch; notched

人口 rénkǒu demographic; population; populations

入口 rùkǒu entrance; ingress; inlets

山口 shānkǒu col

伤口 shāngkǒu wound; wounds

十字路口 shízìlù kǒu crossroads

是口 shìkǒu vocalized

漱口 shùkǒu gargle; gargles

爽口 shuǎngkǒu tasty

松口 sōngkǒu relent; relenting

随口 suíkǒu casual

脱口 tuōkǒu disguise

脱口而出 tuōkǒuérchū blurt out

胃口 wèikǒu appetite; appetites

小两口 xiǎo liǎngkǒu young couple

心口 xīnkǒu heart

胸口 xiōngkǒu chest

袖口 xiùkǒu cuff; cuffs; wristband

咬一口 yǎo yīkǒu take a bite

一口 yīkǒu morsel; mouthful; one bite

一口气 yī kǒuqì take a breath

找借口 zhǎo jièkǒu make excuse

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce